Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dinner Meal Plan for May 22- May May 28th

What to bring to a friend's bbq when we have all these wonderful greens that I'd love to use...hmmm...
How about Pasta with Dandelion greens? Scroll down that webpage to find the pasta recipe. It's easy and colorful, but hopefully someone will not be afraid to try it out. I'll just tell them it's spinach! : )

Here's the mealplan for the rest of the week. A little different because my little sis is coming to town on Thurs night...

Sunday: Thanks, Victoria, for this recipe. I can't wait to eat it... smells great so far!! Farmer's Market Vegetable Soup FYI, I omitted the pasta and potato in the recipe, and added extra protein of cannellini beans.

Monday: Vegetable stir fry (broccoli, onion, carrots, greens) and rice

Tuesday: Taco Night (using vege burgers) and the fixins

Wednesday: Shrimp With Arugula Couscous

Thursday: Omlets using garlic, greens, onions, etc

Friday: BBQ with family and friends! My contribution will be a salad (of course), and probably pasta with greens (broccoli rape).

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dinner Meal Plan May 16- May 21

What do you do with beets? Ok, I am not a HUGE beet fan, but my husband really hates them... so I can't seem to find anything to do with them, except give them away... so I figured I'd try making beet chips. I hand cut them as thin as I could get them and coated them in olive oil, and seasoned with salt and pepper. I roasted them at 400 for about 15 minutes, and just kept checking on them to make sure not to burn them. Yum- not too bad!
A quick meal plan:

Sunday: Pasta with marinara sauce and salad

Monday: Stir fry with tofu, rice

Tuesday: Vegetarian Reubens with cannellini beans

Wenesday: Vege tacos (using Boca burgers and spices, tomatoe, lettuce, avocado, etc)

Thursday: Salmon with greens (sauteed in olive oil and garlic)

Friday: Pizza Night (Homemade pizzas)!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dinner Meal Plan May 8th- May 13th

So what do you do with 5 ripe avocados? Make some quacamole of course! We are so lucky to live in Southern California, where the avocados are fresh and never frozen because they are so local!
This afternoon I made a batch using ingredients from the farm, including lots of chopped green onion, chopped cilantro, 1 small jalepeno pepper (chopped), Tbsp lime juice (fresh is best), and then sprinkle with chili powder and salt to taste (I'd also add tomatoe if I had one on hand).
For lunch I served a big scoopful with some cannelini beans (we always have a cooked batch of beans in the fridge to use in salads and meals during the week), and tortilla chips. That's my idea of a healthy lunch!

A quick meal plan this week, nothing crazy since after all, it's Mother's Day Weekend! : )

Sunday: Pasta with Broccoli rape. First boil the broccoli rape for about 25 min, scoop out then saute in approx 1/3 cup olive oil and 4 garlic cloves, with about 1/2 cup tomatoe sauce. Serve over pasta.

Monday: Vegetable stir fry

Tuesday: Vegetarian Reubens with Russian Dressing
with cannelli beans (one of our favorite meals since eating vegetarian)

Wednesday: Salmon and cous cous with sauteed greens

Thursday: Vege burgers and salad

Friday: Pizza night! (Homemade pizza with leftover veges)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dinner Meal Plan May 2- May 7

A good Sunday to you! The kids had a great day on Saturday at the annual CSA Members BBQ. They were very excited to feed the chickens- such fun! I must say that the vege option at the BBQ (vege pizza made with whole wheat dough), from Pizza Fusion, was delicious! We also picked up our plant starts and were able to get our new organic garden on its way. The grapes are also coming along. We're very excited!

Sunday: Rosemary White Bean Soup

Monday: Vegetable Stir Fry with brown rice

Tuesday: Vegetarian Reubens! Yes, we repeat this recipe almost every week, but it's a great way to use fresh spinach- and easy to make! Last week we added canned cannelli beans for extra protein.

Wednesday: Baked Wild Alaska Halibut and cous cous with sauteed onions and greens.

Thursday: Pesto pasta- my favorite pesto recipe (substitute cilantro for basil in the recipe). A good way to use up lots of cilantro.

Friday: Pizza Night! Homemade pizza (dough from Fresh and Easy), topped with leftover veges from the farm.