Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dinner Meal Plan March 22 - March 27

Sunday: Chickpea, Radish and Pesto Salad. Combine the 8 radishes (quartered), 1 can chickpeas (rinsed), scallions, 1/4 cup pesto, 1 Tbsp lemon juice, and 1/4 teaspoon salt.

Monday: Vegetable soup (onion soup base, pureed- frozen from a few months ago), carrots, garlic, broccoli rape, kolrabi, sage

Tuesday: pesto pasta (frozen pesto from a few months ago) See pesto recipe

Wednesday: Steamed broccoli with couscous

Thursday: leftovers

Friday: Pizza night (Homemade pizza with leftover veges)

1 comment:

  1. Marianne - I love your website! I also plan our meals weekly, and try to model healthy eating habits for the kids. Most of the time, they won't eat what I make. We have also gone mostly organic and would like to join the CSA. I'm also interested in reducing the amount of meat we eat significantly. Do you find you get enough protein though? Let's meet for coffee or lunch - let me know you're schedule.
